Alzheimer's disease in natural health


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die; memory loss is the key symptom of Alzheim0er's disease. In conventional medicine, the exact causes of Alzheimer's disease aren't fully understood. No treatment cures Alzheimer's disease or alters the disease process in the brain.

Alzheimer's disease is your kidney system problem in natural health because the kidney system dominates your bones, bone marrow, spine, spine marrow, brain, teeth, hair, sex, urination, and defecation. The kidney system also dominates your memory and confidence. Brain and memory problems belong to the kidney system; we need to identify what kind of kidney problem people have and work on it to improve memory issues.

Suppose people have memory loss with low appetite, shortness of breath, cold limbs, sialorrhea, watery diarrhea, urinary and fecal incontinence, slight red tongue with teeth marks. In that case, it is because the fire energy in the Kidney system is low. We need to replenish the kidney"s fire energy while improving circulation, then people's memory and other symptoms will improve gradually.

If people have memory loss with lots of sticky phlegm with swollen tongue body and thick greasy coating, it is phlegm toxin in the kidney system. We need to remove phlegm while replenishing the kidney system energy, people's memory, and other symptoms will improve progressively.

Suppose people have memory loss with a severe headache, insomnia, purple tongue body with dark face, there is a blood blockage in the kidney system. We need to improve the circulation of the kidney system while replenishing the kidney system energy.
This kind of knowledge explains memory loss in a natural healthy way. Believe it or not, give yourself a chance to try; you will know.

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