Heshoutang Credit, another name is H Dollar, will be developed to be a digital currency and gold coin finally, it will be used for transactions and collections.
Heshoutang Credit is classified as Regular Credit and Solid Credit, it shows as Heshoutang Dollar format, 1 USD contribution to Heshoutang, you will win 1 HD(Heshoutang Dollar).
All Heshoutang people can use their Heshoutang Dollar to gain Heshoutang Global Profit Shares or buy Heshoutang gifts which will be published in Heshoutang Mall at the end of the year.
Regular Credit is generated from the daily work of Heshoutang Members or employees to show their achievements.
Regular Credit is used at the end of the year, after it is used up, it will start from zero on the next year.
Regular Credit calculation rules:
60% of patients’ orders will be calculated into the related Heshoutang Member's Credit if he/she is using Heshoutang owned office or Heshoutang warehouse, and seeing their own patients.
70% of patients’ orders will be calculated into the related Heshoutang Members’ Credit if he/she is using Heshoutang owned office or Heshoutang warehouse, but seeing Heshoutang assigned patients.
BM/LM who works in his/her own office, will make an order for preparing their own stock, 100% of every order will be calculated into his/her Credit.
95% of Heshoutang income which is generated by LM students will be calculated into LM Credit.
80% monthly State profit will be calculated into SM Credit.
95% monthly Country profit will be calculated into CM Credit.
97% monthly Regional profit will be calculated into RHM Credit.
99% monthly Global profit will be calculated into GHM Credit.
Heshoutang employees get Credit by their tasks qualification monthly.
The Credit could be negative for managers or employees if the profit is negative for managers or employee's work is not approved.
Solid Credit is issued by Heshoutang Headquarters directly for special people, such as directors, committee members etc.
Solid Credit plus your Regular Credit is used at the end of the year, but Solid Credit will not go back to zero even though after you use it up, from the next year, you still have the same amount of Solid Credit if you are approved for keeping having the position what you have got in the past year.
Heshoutang Global Headquarters will spare 10-30% percent global profit to pay all Heshoutang people according to their Credit to global total Credit ratio.
Example: If there are 10000 people who are working for Heshoutang, totally 100 million Heshoutang Credit in the system, Heshoutang global profit is 10 million USD, Heshoutang people A has 1 million Credit, he will get (1M/100M) * 10M * 30%=30,000.00USD cash in hand at the end of the year.