
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herb in the Apiaceae family, which is also known as the parsley family. It is a popular culinary herb that is commonly used in various dishes around the world, particularly in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mexican cuisine. The coriander plant has thin, branching stems that grow up to 50 centimeters in heigh...

  944 Hits


Chondrosarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in cartilage cells. It is a malignant tumor that can occur in any part of the body where cartilage is present, including the bones and joints. Chondrosarcoma is a rare cancer, accounting for less than 1% of all new cancer cases diagnosed each year.  In conventional medicine, the exact cause of c...

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Celery (Apium graveolens) is a plant in the family Apiaceae that is commonly cultivated as a vegetable. It is native to the Mediterranean and Middle East regions but is now widely cultivated in temperate regions around the world. The edible parts of celery are the leaf stalks, which are often consumed raw or cooked as a vegetable, and the seeds, wh...

  926 Hits

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland located in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland grow and divide uncontrollably, forming a tumor. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, with an estimated 1 in 8 men being diagnosed with prostate cancer at so...

  1016 Hits


Prostatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland, which is located in the male reproductive system. There are several types of prostatitis, including acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS), and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. The sym...

  1076 Hits

Prostate Enlargement

Prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition where the prostate gland grows in size, causing problems with urination. The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped gland that is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. As the prostat...

  943 Hits


The tomato, also known as Solanum lycopersicum, is a plant species in the nightshade family. It is native to South America but is now widely cultivated in many parts of the world. The tomato plant is an annual plant, which means it completes its life cycle within a year. The tomato can grow up to 10 feet tall, but most varieties are shorter, a...

  950 Hits

Blood Cancer

Blood cancer, also known as hematologic cancer or hematological malignancy, is a type of cancer that starts in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow or lymphatic system. Blood cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the blood-forming tissue or lymphatic system grow and divide uncontrollably, interfering with normal blood cell production and funct...

  924 Hits

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast tissue. It occurs when cells in the breast grow uncontrollably, forming a lump or mass. Breast cancer can occur in both women and men, but it is more common in women. There are several types of breast cancer, but the most common types are: Ductal carcinoma: This is the most common type of ...

  914 Hits


Danshen, also known as Salvia miltiorrhiza, is a perennial plant that belongs to the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to China and is commonly grown in other Asian countries, as well as in Europe and North America. The plant has woody stems and reaches a height of up to 1 meter. Its leaves are ovate and measure 5 to 10 centimeters in length, wi...

  1273 Hits


Onion is a vegetable that belongs to the allium family, which also includes garlic, shallots, leeks, and chives. It is widely used in cooking and is known for its distinctive, pungent flavor and aroma. Onions come in various colors, including white, yellow, and red. They are used in a wide range of dishes, including soups, stews, salads, and sandwi...

  991 Hits


Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is a vegetable that is commonly used in many cuisines around the world. It has a smooth and glossy skin and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, from long and thin to round and plump. Eggplant is low in calories and a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. How to cook: Grilling or roasting: Eggpl...

  975 Hits

Tofu Pudding

Tofu pudding, also known as soybean pudding or doufu hua in Chinese, is a sweet and silky dessert made from soy milk that has been coagulated using a natural agent such as gypsum, which creates a soft and delicate texture. Benefits of tofu pudding: Low in calories: Tofu pudding is a low-calorie dessert that is high in protein, making it an ideal sn...

  972 Hits


Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a popular plant-based protein source made from soybeans. It originated in China over 2,000 years ago and has since become a staple in many Asian cuisines. Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks. It has a mild, slightly nutty flavor and a soft, silky texture that can b...

  850 Hits

Broad Bean

Broad bean (Vicia faba) is a cool-season legume that is widely grown for its edible beans. The plant is an annual that belongs to the Fabaceae family and is native to North Africa and Southwest Asia. Broad beans have been cultivated for thousands of years and are commonly used in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines. The broad bean pla...

  876 Hits


Cowpea, also known as black-eyed pea or southern pea, is a legume plant that belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is a widely cultivated crop in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The cowpea plant is an annual, herbaceous vine that can grow up to 3 meters long. It has pinnately compound leaves with 3 to 9 leaflet...

  939 Hits


Pea (Pisum sativum) is a popular garden plant that belongs to the legume family Fabaceae. It is an annual plant that can grow up to 2 meters in height and produces edible seeds that are commonly known as peas. Pea has compound leaves with oval-shaped leaflets that grow in pairs, and they produce white or pink flowers. The flowers are self-fertile, ...

  940 Hits

Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure, also known as acute renal failure, is a sudden and rapid loss of kidney function. It occurs when the kidneys are suddenly unable to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood, leading to a buildup of these substances in the body. There are several potential causes of acute kidney failure, including: A sudden decrea...

  979 Hits

Acute Granulocytic Leukemia

Acute granulocytic leukemia, also known as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood cells. In AML, abnormal myeloid cells, which are a type of white blood cell that helps fight infection, multiply rapidly and do not mature properly, leading to a buildup of immature cells in the bone marrow and blood. ...

  995 Hits

Adzuki Bean

The adzuki bean plant is a type of legume that belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is an annual plant that grows to a height of about 30-60 centimeters and produces small, kidney-shaped beans that are usually red in color, although other varieties can be white, black, or mottled. Adzuki bean plants have a deep taproot system that helps them to acces...

  962 Hits

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